Wyoming Senate File 99, “Gender change in children prohibition,” was signed by Governor Gordon, according to a press statement from his office.
Sen. Bouchard’s (R) bill outlaws gender reassignment surgery and drugs like puberty blockers, unless parental approval is obtained for such measures to cure genetic diseases that are “medically verifiable” or precocious puberty.

Large medical associations like the American Medical Association (AMA) concur that it is advisable to wait until a patient is 18 years old before undergoing surgery linked to gender reassignment. Studies have shown that these procedures are rarely carried out on patients under the age of 18.
Gov. Gordon expressed his reservations about government intrusion into personal matters, but he signed the bill anyway, according to the news statement announcing the signing.
Governor Gordon stated, “I signed SF99 because I believe the government is straying into the personal affairs of families, but I also support the protections this bill includes for children.” “The goals of our legislature concerning parental rights need to be clarified. In some instances, it affirms parental rights while inserting state authority in others.

The bill stipulates that access to mental health therapy for minors should not be prohibited, even while it imposes rigorous limitations on physical medical treatments. This is provided that the mental health therapies do not contravene other legal provisions.