
Germany to India A veterinarian flew to do surgery on a pet dog whose heart condition was life-threatening. The Maltese dog named Waffle underwent open heart surgery by the surgeon.

Waffle’s pet parents first noticed something was off when he was only few months old.

Waffle arrived to our house four years ago. when i initially picked him up, there was an odd noise and vibration. When we took him to the doctor, we learned that he has patent ductus arteriosus, a congenital cardiac aliment, according to Rani wankawalla, a resident of Juhu in suburban Mumbai

Waffle was given to us when he was a puppy. We considered sending him to the US or Europe for a non-evasive surgery after learning about his situation. However, the coronavirus epidemic prevented that from happening, according to Dr. Makarand Chousalkar, a participant in the treatment.


He was in such bad shape that we didn’t think he would live more than a year. Though he did. We made the decision to have surgery when we realised that his situation was getting worse. We made contact with Dr. Matthias Frank, a German cardiac surgeon who has handled similar operations. According to consulting veterinary cardiologist Dr. Deepti Deshpande, the procedure is known as surgical closure of patent arteriosus.

We took a lot of care. We didn’t let his weight increase and gave him multiple meals in small quantities. He used to get tired after taking a round of the house. We didn’t take him out for a walk. He is a fighter. Doctors said that he might die on a surgery table. My children said, let’s give it a chance,” said Wankawalla.