G20 includes African Union as permanent member at New Delhi summit

In a brief televised  initial session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi  blazoned the move to make the 55- member African union the first new member of the G20 since its creation in 1999 to manage with a series of  fiscal  heads.

The African Union came a  endless member of the G20 on Saturday as leaders of the world’s largest  husbandry gathered in New Delhi for a  peak that will  concentrate on pressing global challenges under the shadow of the Ukraine  extremity. 

“Honoured to welcome the African Union as a permanent member of the G20 Family. This will strengthen the G20 and also strengthen the voice of the Global South,” said a message on Modi’s official account on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

In a brief televised  initial session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi  blazoned the move to make the 55- member African bloc the first new member of the G20 since its creation in 1999 to  manage with a series of  fiscal  heads.  

“In keeping with the sentiment of sabka saath( with everyone), India had proposed that the African Union should be given  endless class of the G20. I believe we all are in agreement on this offer, ” Modi said, speaking in Hindi.  

After saying “ with your agreement ”, Modi banged a gavel thrice to mark the entry of the African Union into the grouping. “ Before we start our work, I invite the African Union  chairman to take his position as a  endless member, ” he said.  

External affairs minister S Jaishankar  attended the current  speaker of the African Union, Comoros President Azali Assoumani, to his seat at the table.

Modi saluted Assoumani with a clinch before the G20 leaders began their  reflections behind unrestricted doors.  

The admission of the African Union, which was launched in 2002, has been included in the draft leaders ’  protestation  presently being negotiated by the G20  countries, people familiar with the matter said.

african union

Also read: Delhi is all decked up to welcome the delegates for the G20 Summit that will be held on September 9-10.

The African Union is anticipated to have the same status as the 27- member European Union( EU), the only indigenous bloc with full class of the G20.  

Diplomats of G20 member  countries had said the African Union’s addition isn’t anticipated to lead to a change in the name of the G20.  

In June, Modi had written to counterparts among G20 members that the African Union should be given full class of the grouping.

The offer was also backed by  crucial members of the EU, China and Russia, albeit for different reasons.  

Besides the EU,  crucial members of the G7,  similar as Japan backed the move to give African countries, which are part of the Global South, a lesser say-so in the global governance armature.

China was  reticent to be seen as going against the move in view of its large investments in Africa through the Belt and Road Initiative, while Russia has been keen to  invite over  further African  countries to  fight its  insulation by the West over the Ukraine conflict.  

While accommodations on a draft leaders ’  protestation continue to be  besiege over the  textbook to  relate to the Ukraine  extremity, India is looking to produce results in areas where it has led  hand  enterprise,  similar as backing for climate transition, digital public  structure, accelerated  perpetration of the sustainable development  pretensions( SDGs), and reform of global institutions and multinational development banks.  

India has also  deposited itself as the “ voice of the Global South ” during its G20 administration, and the  drive to get the African Union into the bloc of the world’s  flush  husbandry was part of these  sweats.

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