• September 24, 2023
  • mirablefact@gmail.com
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According to Dr. Ernst von Schwarz, stem cell research will enable humans to live longer.

Globally, human longevity has expanded significantly since 1900 as a result of significant advancements in science and healthcare.

A number of diseases that were thought to be fatal a few decades ago have been conquered by humans thanks to the development of vaccinations and appropriate treatment facilities.

In the coming years, if all goes according to plan, people will be able to live to 120 years of age. According to a New York Post article, Dr. Ernst von Schwarz predicts that by the end of this century, stem cell research will allow people to live to be 150 years old.

At the Heart Institute of the Southern California Hospital, the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Dr. Ernst is a triple board-certified internist, cardiologist, and heart transplant cardiologist.

He is the author of the publications “Secrets of Immortality” and “The Secret World of Stem Cell Therapy.”

“I believe that we can create prolongation of life. Probably within a couple of years humans can live to 120, 150 years if not longer than that,” Dr. Ernst told the New York Post.

And not just as bedridden, noncommunicating people, but as actual, active people who can engage in social and professional life and enjoy their lives. Because that is the intention, Dr. Ernst continued.

Dr. Ernst emphasizes that it would not be feasible without the extra effort of eating a healthy diet and exercising frequently. He emphasizes that in order to live a long life, one must change their lifestyle before the age of thirty.

According to Dr. Ernst, when discussing stem cell research, he said that in the last few years, they have shifted from what they  call reactive medicine to what is now called regenerative medicine using primarily stem cell therapies.”

Talking about stem cell research, Dr. Ernst said, “In the last few years, we have shifted from what we call reactive medicine to what we now call regenerative medicine using mainly stem cell therapies.”


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“Even though stem cells are not FDA-approved, that’s the future of medicine where we are able to repair damage. And by repairing damage we can prolong life, or even reduce certain processes of aging,” he added.

Although just one person in the history of mankind has lived to the age of 120, according to official records. The only person to have completed the accomplishment is Jeanne Calment, a Frenchwoman who passed away in 1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days.

Theories claiming that Calment’s daughter was impersonating her cast doubt on even her lengthy life.