  • June 12, 2023
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According to reports, Instagram purportedly made $660 million in just 24 hours by selling 44 million blue verification checks at a price of $15 each.

Beginning in March, Meta introduced “Meta verified,” a brand-new service that enables users to purchase the highly desired blue tick mark next to their username.

Users may now update their Facebook and Instagram verification for $11.99 on the web and $14.99 for iOS users, which replaces the blue tick used as verification.

A waiting list and the launch were both revealed on Instagram stories. Users rushed to obtain a blue tick mark next to their username because it has recently evolved into the ultimate status symbol.

The only persons who met the requirements to be verified on Instagram were prominent politicians, celebrities, journalist, and business leader.

But now after resenting official identification to confirm their accounts, The Everyday person may also purchase a blue checkmark for $14.99

What additional perks Instagram will provide you.

Verified users will receive perks, such as improved security checks and the option to speak with a live person about difficulties, in addition to clout. These benefits may have contributed to Instagram’s ability to sell 44 million verification in a single day; after all, we all know how terrible Instagram’s customer service is.

According to the corporation, the verification service is only available to users who are at least 18 years old and won’t be used by businesses.

Additionally, Meta stated that the accounts that had already been validated using the prior criteria wouldn’t undergo any changes.

At a time when many social media businesses are attempting to diversify their revenue streams to keep the lights on, Meta’s choice to sell the blue verification checks seems timely.

Similarly Twitter declared that it will offer “verification ticks” while Snapchat would market its innovative augmented reality technology.

We may anticipate the launch of additional premium features by the company in the upcoming months given the enormous success that Meta experienced with the sale of 44 million blue check in a single day.

What are your thoughts in this? Are you getting your own blue check? Did you already get one? Do you think it still has value? Let us know in the comments.