• August 17, 2023
  • mirablefact@gmail.com
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To live with Sachin Meena, whom she met through an online game platform, Pakistani Seema Ghulam Haider snuck into India from Pakistan.

A Pakistani mother of four who entered India illegally to live with a Hindu guy she met on an online gaming site has been shunned by her family and neighbors for defying local customs.

A passionate love story developed between Seema Ghulam Haider and Sachin Meena in 2019 as they played PUBG together while residing more than 1,300 kilometers apart in hostile nations.

According to the Uttar Pradesh Police, Sachin, 22, and Seema, 30, reside in the Rabupura neighborhood of Greater Noida, close to Delhi, where he owns a supply business.

While Sachin was imprisoned for harboring the illegal immigrants, Seema was arrested on July 4 for unlawfully entering India without a visa through Nepal with her four children, all of them were under seven years old.

Although they were recently freed from prison, the news from over the border is not so good.

The neighbor and Seema’s family have made it obvious that they do not want her to return to Pakistan.

“She should just send her children back to Pakistan. She can stay there. Now she is no longer even a Muslim,” The 16-year-old son of the landlord, where Seema spent the last three years renting a home with her children, said that she was no longer even a Muslim.


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Everyone in her neighborhood is still fascinated by the tale of how an uneducated mother of four children and wife of a husband who works abroad could get the bravery in Pakistan’s mostly conservative society to quit everything and enter India illegally in order to be with a much younger man.

Her residence is a three-room part of a structure with no paint and is situated in a little alley lined with trash and overflowing sewers in the neighborhood of Bhittaiabad a Katchi Abadi in the center of Gulistan-e-Jauhar.

The misconception that Seema’s husband Ghulam Haider, who works in Saudi Arabia, bought her the property for 1.2 million is dispelled the moment one arrives at her home.

“No, she and her kids lived with us as tenants for three years. She and her kids lived alone. The landlord’s son, Nur Muhammad, indicated that her father-in-law lives elsewhere.

In defiance of their parents’ desires, Pakistani woman Seema and Ghulam Haider wed in Karachi ten years prior.