• September 12, 2024
  • mirablefact@gmail.com
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The lecturers explained how master’s degree programs now routinely rely on translation software.

Higher education in the UK is currently experiencing a worrisome issue. Two anonymous professors from a Russell Group university brought up a concern in a recent International Students Case: many international students, especially those pursuing master’s degrees, are not fulfilling the prerequisites, particularly in English language proficiency, but they are still receiving degrees.

Serious questions have been raised over how this may affect the UK’s reputation in higher education abroad in the long run. The academics expressed their serious concerns about the deterioration in master’s-level teaching quality and the negative impact on staff members’ mental health in a blog post on the Higher Education Policy Institute.

Since Indian students make up the majority of international students studying in the UK, the situation is especially dire for them. Despite their size, a large portion of these students struggle with their poor English language proficiency, making it difficult for them to understand the material and engage in class.

The lecturers discussed how the use of translation apps has proliferated in master’s programs, impeding real engagement and learning. They pointed out that group projects usually include the use of translation tools, and open-ended inquiries from the class are frequently received with silence. As a result, instructors are now compelled to give lessons that significantly fall short of degree requirements, which lowers the caliber of instruction.

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There is also a major effect on the mental health of the personnel. Teachers are more stressed and frustrated because they find it difficult to interact with pupils who don’t know how to answer simple inquiries or contribute meaningfully to class discussions. The instructors related how they had seen students who could not understand basic questions like “What have you read on this topic?” and how meetings would frequently conclude with requests for students to email their queries or concerns.

Attention must be paid to the issue in UK higher education. Institutions need to take action to solve the problem of overseas students’ poor English language proficiency. This could entail tightening up the standards for language proficiency, offering more language assistance, and making sure that instructional strategies are modified to accommodate a range of student needs.

Furthermore, it is essential to uphold strict standards in master’s-level instruction. Institutions must to place a high priority on education quality and make sure that learning is demanding and difficult for pupils. The UK can continue to draw excellent international students and uphold its standing as a global leader in higher education by tackling these problems.

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