New Zealand
  • June 30, 2023
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New Zealand:- It is Universal fact that rats typically exists where there are humans. Rats have followed humans wherever they have gone, feasting in their crops, waste, native birds.

There are to be fair few exceptions, to b exact two. One in Alberta, Canada which eliminates rats after a large anti rat mobilisation in the 1950s.

The other is South Georgia Island, which was certified rat-free in 2018 after the government used helicopters to drop poison pellets from the skies. South Georgia Island is located in the Southern Atlantic Ocean.’

New Zealand now wants to join them as number three. The island nation is establishing Predator Free 2050 Ltd, a government organisation that aims to eradicate all rats in order to safeguard native wildlife. Their possibilities of success? Rat versus human power struggle historians would use the word “slim”

Alberta waged a defensive war on rats, mobilising the entire society before the rodents arrived in huge numbers.


The borderlands with already-infested Saskatchewan were shown with rat poison, hundreds of exterminators would spread out after s dingle sighting, and propaganda posters roused the populace to vigilance.

Rats there are already out of control, consuming 26 million birds annually. In contrast, there are just 36 rat catchers in New Zealand and they are all equiped with peanut butter and posion.

As the next battle in the unending war between rats and mankind unfolds, the score stands at …

  • Humans: 2 territories
  • Rats: rest of the world

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